Monday, February 7, 2011

Random thoughts...

I posted earlier one of my favorite sayings, A reason, season a lifetime. This explains all the people that have come and gone in my life in the last 7 years. No matter how much I wish these people had signs on them saying upfront what they were to be in my life, they didn't. As if they did I would never have learned the lessons I have that have made me who I am today.

Life has been an interesting journey. In away like the switch backs in Colorado. In other words, you go so far in life and just when you think your on to something you end up having to take a sharp turn and continue back the way you came.

I always thought that my this point in my life I'd be so much further than what I am. I figured I'd own my own house, have a husband and possibly a child or two. Instead, I ended up divorced, living with my parents and having a four legged fur baby instead.

I'm very happy. But something is definitely missing. Ever have that feeling that you know EXACTLY what it is that's missing. But "they" haven't gotten the memo yet? Ever wish you had a crystal ball that you could ask one simple question too once a month? Heck, even just once a year?

I've come to a cross road in my life. And leaves the song "should I stay or should I go" stuck in my head.

My cross road is feeling that I have my lifetime right in front of me.

Have you e
ver met that one person that you feel through your entire being is your lifetime? Your soul-mate? The one that completes you?

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