Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out with the old, in with the New

Happy New Year...

When I signed onto my computer tonight I found the following horoscope on my gmail page:

You can't please all of the people all of the time. Nor can you take on several things at once and hope to do them right. So sort through your priorities and concentrate on what now matters most. Deep down, you know what - and who - comes first, so slow down and take it step by step. If you take the time to structure your ideas and your routine, you will be ready to take action later in the week.

It really hit home with me. This is exactly what I need to do. I have to stop and smell the roses, take time for myself and find what really matters. Listen to myself and realize that what I already know might be the first step towards everything I've wanted.

There are so many times in my life I search for acceptance, guidance and the typical "if you were me, what would you do?" But in the reality of it all I don't really fit where I am currently in life. And no one can really give you that kind of advice. For so many reasons. The main one being they aren't you. And they haven't walked in your shoes.

My New Year's was pretty uneventful. I began feeling sorry for myself and where I am in life. And although I know that I'm right where God wants me to be. I still felt like I was the biggest loser in the world. But I was with family. The people that love me more than anything in this world. And that's truly what mattered.

So while my friends were with their spouses, children, family and friends. I realized that although I can't relate to them at this time in life...I love these people and cherish them so much everyday. And realized that you should NEVER make someone a priority, that doesn't make you one as well....and I got to thinking......

I know that because of the way I was raised and because of my beliefs I shouldn't believe or read into the horoscopes that are placed online. As they are as random as fortune cookies and don't normally mean a hill of beans to anyone. But I can't help but wonder how true this statement alone can/could be...... Deep down, you know what - and who - comes first, so slow down and take it step by step.

And with that I have decided to delete a handful of people from my life. Because I'm not a priority to them. I'm just there. I realized that I have to take control of my life, and the things that I want out of it. And let go of those that hold me back for this or that reason. Its not because they are horrible people, because they aren't. I love them each for there individuality, what they've given to me in life and just realize that they were there for a reason, a season or a lifetime. And there is a reason they are in my past.

So with that...I will close and say today is the start of yet another year...chapter of our lives. Make it count. Tell those close you love them. Keep those people near and dear to your heart. Because you never know when they could feel less than adequate and walk away from you.